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Is Girl's Day the only target? + poor styling

Pann: Why are you only criticizing Girl's Day when other female idols did the same thing

1. [+205, -21] Idiot, do you think this and those are the same? At least they're wearing underpants. I asked if Girl's Day was wearing underwear and do you know what the fans said? They said they were wearing thongs ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thongs and underpants, which ones are worse? And Yoona's exposure was only done once, why bash her? Also, Hayoung wore jean shorts but still wore underpants. AOA also wears underpants. Do you not see how you can see the stage through Yura's shorts? How baggy are they that we can see through them? And they still didn't wear underpants, isn't it obvious? They could've told their CEO that they didn't want to do it. They said they're close to their CEO. They also joke around a lot, yet they can't say they don't like the concept? There were Panns of the CEO taking care of Minah but why is he making them do this? Girl's Day is still doing it because they like the concept.

2. [+132, -5] Except that Girl's Day is not even wearing underpants ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You've worked hard to bring other girl group pictures ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+130, -8] Yoona was a special stage at a concert. You can't say that Yoona stripped to get popular. And I've noticed that Girl's Day fans always mention SNSD whenever they have a controversy. I'm a SNSD fan and I always defended Girl's Day but I'm changing my mind. I'm sure you'd go insane if a rookie girl group gets hate and their fans defend them by saying, "what about Girls' Day Yura? She was glaring at Suzy but that was manipulated whereas our unnies aren't? Girl's Day wears diapers, why are you calling us cheap?"

4. [+68, -1] Oh well, they've been doing this since before~

5. [+61, -5] Minah posed like this when the journalists asked her to pose for photos. You can see her butt and the journalists were below her but she was posing like that. Is she desperate to show her body?

6. [+50, -4] They said they like being sexy~ They also contributed in making the stage outfits. They're indeed doing it on purpose ^^

"We honestly like hearing 'wow~ they're so sexy'"

7. [+49, -7] Sistar wears short stuff but they wear underpants all the time ㅋㅋ Slut Day is always dressing like cheap girls

8. [+49, -4] I respect JYP for one thing only and it was stripping Suzy as minimum as possible. She never showed her belly button and she wore decent length of pants and skirts. They should avoid stripper's outfits for the kids. Pictures never die or disappear.


Pann: Hul, Girl's Day this time

1. [+260, -18] They honestly look like Sistar ㅋㅋ The hairstyles and the outfits

2. [+203, -1] How light is Hyeri's makeup? Their makeup artist must be doing her makeup... Her neck and her face colors are so different... She should wear it darker like Hyorin and Bora!

3. [+185, -5] None of them look pretty

4. [+67, -1] Hyeri wore extensions because she wanted to ㅋㅋ She's gonna cut it soon because it's not getting good responses. She was pretty with light short hair. She looks old-fashioned with the hairstyle.

5. [+50, -1] I always feel this but Hyeri's makeup is really thick

6. [+45, -0] Hyeri looks old with the extensions. She should've put pretty extensions, those ones look like an ajumma's hair.


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