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Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Gyo win '2016 KBS Drama Awards' daesang

Article: KBS Drama Awards, Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Gyo win co-daesangs

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+8,650, -344] 'Descendants of the Sun' was the most impactful drama of 2016 out of all three broadcast networks

2. [+7,744, -243] Guess it was hard to just pick one ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the drama truly was amazing. Congratulations to the Song Song couple!

3. [+5,566, -224] As expected of the Song Song couple!

4. [+4,597, -204] Looking forward to more great dramas from you two!

5. [+4,201 -215] KBS pulled it off

6. [+1,907, -78] Hitting 40% in viewer ratings in our time is amazing. KBS always delivers with the best drama awards.

7. [+1,674, -52] I like the MCing style of KBS, no jokes or frills... anyway, really sad to see Song Joong Ki show tears~

8. [+1,616, -59] I had a feeling Song Song would win daesang after seeing the excellence awards

9. [+1,560, -75] Both of them deserve it, congratulations

10. [+1,450, -45] A tad sad about Park Shin Yang but 'Descendants of the Sun' was much too big of a daebak this year... Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Gyo managed to carry the drama through to the end even after the script started getting weird..


Source: Nate

1. [+385, -34] The two deserve it, it was a happier 2016 thanks to them

2. [+364, -36] While watching Song Hye Gyo and Song Joong Ki's daesang speech, I was suddenly reminded of Lee Jong Suk's ㅡㅡ couldn't help but compare ㅡㅡ

3. [+332, -30] Song Joong Ki and Park Bogum crying made me cry too.. ㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+69, -18] I never thought giving two daesangs out was right but this time I think it's appropriate

5. [+56, -18] We expected it, right? But unlike other co-daesangs that are given out, I actually agreed with the decision ㅋ they both deserve it

6. [+51, -5] The first co-daesang I can agree with

7. [+46, -6] KBS wins for best drama awards!!!! From the flow of the ceremony to all of the award speeches... SBS's was way too immature for my tastes. Such a big difference in class!!!

8. [+45, -12] Unlike a certain someone yesterday, Park Bogum and Song Joong Ki seemed to know the weight of their awards


Article: Park Bogum gives tearful award speech, Song Joong Ki cries too

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+860, -41] Jong Suk-ah, this is what a real award speech is

2. [+831, -21] I cried buckets along with Song Joong Ki and Park Bogum... Bogum's such a genuinely kind kid and I want nothing but the best for him...

3. [+738, -18] Congratulations. Song Joong Ki cried with him and it really shows what kind of person Park Bogum must be. I wish him a bright future.

4. [+79, -4] When he started crying, Song Joong Ki, and Kwak Dong Yeon cried too... it made me choke up... KBS had so many great dramas this year~~~

5. [+75, -7] Couldn't help but see an overlap between the ba$tard who the daesang yesterday and him.. Congratulations~ It made me become a fan

6. [+74, -5] Every single person at the KBS drama awards seemed so genuine when they won... especially Cha In Pyo's wise words ㅎㅎ unlike another person yesterday who seems to think winning daesang is something he's deserving of

7. [+73, -8] Ah, I cried with Park Bogum because he cried so sadly ㅠㅠ

8. [+62, -7] He was so genuine that I had to cry with him ㅠㅠ and couldn't help but compare him to Lee Jong Suk yesterday ㅠㅠ



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